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Law Firm of Walter Gabriel

3 Situations Where You Need a Personal Injury Lawyer

If you ever find yourself in a car accident, you might be thinking: “Do I need a personal injury lawyer?” If you have sustained substantial injuries, you may receive some help from your insurance company to cover your expenses. While you might already be receiving help, did you know that you can actually maximize how much you are getting by working with a lawyer?
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Law Firm of Walter Gabriel

3 Traits to Look for When Hiring a Personal Injury Lawyer – What to Know

One of the truths in life that anybody can probably attest to is that a personal injury case is always challenging in one way or another, so you need to know how to look for good personal injury lawyer traits. Regardless of whether you sustained injury in a car accident, fell off your motorcycle, or simply had a bad day, all the complexities of dealing with such cases can easily grow worse as time progresses.
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Law Firm of Walter Gabriel

4 Reasons to Hire a Personal Injury Attorney

Car accidents can unexpectedly and inevitably strike at any time, which is why you need a personal injury attorney. If you’re lucky, it’s nothing some rubbing alcohol and a bandaid can’t fix.
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Law Firm of Walter Gabriel

Karen D.’s Client Testimonial

“I was involved in a two car accident which was not my fault. I was driving down a highway and the other driver was traveling in the opposite direction and turned left in front of me, causing an accident that totaled both our cars.
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Law Firm of Walter Gabriel

Boat Capsizes in Louisiana – Body of Crewmember Found, One Still Missing

Wednesday, January 16, 2019, two people aboard a workboat were reported missing after their vessel capsized in the Mississippi River near Boothville, Louisiana. 24-year-old Katelyn Carlisle and 48-year-old Ruben Arellano were taking part in a boom deployment exercise conducted by their employer, Marine Spill Response Corporation (MSRC), when their 32-foot vessel capsized.
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